PARIS 2024

Sydney - Tokyo - Paris. Ich habe Sydney 2000 live miterlebt, mitgestaltet und die unglaubliche Energie aufgesogen, die dieses Großereignis mit sich bringt. Einmalige Erlebnisse haben sich in mein Gedächtnis eingebrannt. Die Spiele in Tokio waren besonders, auffallend anders - auch für mich vor Ort. Die Stadien waren leer, ohne Zuschauer. Wie wird es in Paris sein, wenn die Zuschauer wieder die Ränge füllen, die Stadt zum Beben bringen und Teil des Geschehens werden?

Mein Weg trägt auf besondere Weise dazu bei, dass Emotionen, Momente und Gedanken nicht verloren gehen.


Olympic Games 2024

With love from Paris.


Schön, dass du den Weg hierher gefunden hast. Denn wie es aussieht, ist meine Post bei dir angekommen. In den nächsten Tagen findest du hier meine persönlichen Grüße aus Paris.

Viel Spaß.

+++ Sun 11 Aug 23:12 PARIS - Please see below the English version of the speech of Paris 2024 Organising Committee President Tony ESTANGUET (FRA) at the Closing Ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. ++++++ Sun 11 Aug 23:12 PARIS - Please see below the English version of the speech of Paris 2024 Organising Committee President Tony ESTANGUET (FRA) at the Closing Ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. ++++++ Sun 11 Aug 23:12 PARIS - Please see below the English version of the speech of Paris 2024 Organising Committee President Tony ESTANGUET (FRA) at the Closing Ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. ++++++ Sun 11 Aug 23:12 PARIS - Please see below the English version of the speech of Paris 2024 Organising Committee President Tony ESTANGUET (FRA) at the Closing Ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. ++++++ Sun 11 Aug 23:12 PARIS - Please see below the English version of the speech of Paris 2024 Organising Committee President Tony ESTANGUET (FRA) at the Closing Ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. ++++++ Sun 11 Aug 23:12 PARIS - Please see below the English version of the speech of Paris 2024 Organising Committee President Tony ESTANGUET (FRA) at the Closing Ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. ++++++ Sun 11 Aug 23:12 PARIS - Please see below the English version of the speech of Paris 2024 Organising Committee President Tony ESTANGUET (FRA) at the Closing Ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. ++++++ Sun 11 Aug 23:12 PARIS - Please see below the English version of the speech of Paris 2024 Organising Committee President Tony ESTANGUET (FRA) at the Closing Ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. +++
+++ Tony ESTANGUET (FRA) - Paris 2024 Organising Committee President: From day one of the Paris 2024 journey, 23 June 2015, we have been preparing ourselves for everything. Like an athlete getting ready for the biggest competition of their life, we planned for every scenario… But we weren’t ready for that. There is no way we could have prepared for everything we have just experienced together. The evening of the opening ceremony, When the athletes paraded on the Seine, When Céline Dion sang The Hymn to Love from the balcony of the Eiffel Tower, When the Olympic Cauldron rose up into the Parisian skies, A momentum began. And from the next morning, with the first medals, a wave started building. This wave took over the country, carried the whole world in its wake and went beyond anything we could imagine. We wanted strong images, our competition venues will go down in the history of the Games. We wanted excitement, we got passion. We wanted to be inspired, we got Léon Marchand. Together, we have experienced Games like nothing the world has seen before. We even had a whale take part in the surfing finals in Tahiti! From one day to the next, time stood still and a whole country got goosebumps. From one day to the next, Paris became a party again and France came back together. From one day to the next, the whole of France became Olympic. All of this was only possible because all of you showed up. First, you, the millions of spectators... Your passion made every first round a final; Every venue a raucous arena; Every medal a national holiday. Next, you, the Paris 2024 teams, who have worked so hard for all these years. Your efforts have been magnificently rewarded today;   And of course, you, the 45,000 volunteers, who have shown us the way and infused a party spirit into our Games. With your smiles and your positive attitude, you have been the heart and soul of Paris 2024. Mister President of the Republic, Mister President of the International Olympic Committee, Madam Mayor of Paris, Mister President of the French National Olympic Committee, Madam President of the Ile de France Region, Mister Presidents of the Greater Paris Metropolitan Area and the Seine-Saint-Denis Department, Ladies and gentlemen representatives of the French and International sports movement, Ladies and gentlemen partners of Paris 2024, Thank you for always being by our side. Thank you for everything you have done to make these Games a success!   Thank you to all those who have helped us get around: the drivers and all the transport agents who have worked on these Games, Thank you to all those who have kept us safe: the private security guards, the army, the gendarmes, the police, the firefighters and the first aiders. Congratulations to you all! And thank you to all the others! Hundreds of thousands of you have worked to make Paris 2024 a success. You have made these Games your Games.You have all shown up. France has shown up. We saw ourselves of a people of diehard moaners... we found ourselves in a country of wild supporters, who never want to stop singing! Tonight, I have never felt so proud to be French. Together, we have shown the world the most beautiful face of France. To you, dear athletes, what can I say? We knew you would be brilliant, but you were magic. In French, we have this phrase: “coup de foudre.” It means a kind of love that hits hard. One day life is normal, the next it feels magical. It’s what we have felt since July 24. Heart racing, head spinning, screaming, crying, crazy love! For Queen Simone, King Mondo, Joker Nole… For the ones we didn’t know before and now call by their first names. You made us feel alive. You filled us with joy. The world needed these feelings so much. On behalf of billions of sports lovers across the five continents: thank you! You have beaten so many World and Olympic records. And with your help, Paris 2024 has smashed many other records:  Record audiences… Record attendances… Record decibel levels in our venues and streets all over France and the planet. And yes, here in Paris, we have broken a new record that is very close to our hearts: the most marriage proposals ever at an Olympic Games! These feelings of hope, and love, and inspiration, will remain. And when the time comes, we will be reunited, in LA 28, where the Games will keep growing. There is one more record that I haven’t mentioned. And it belongs to you, dear athletes of the French delegation. This record is of course the number of medals won by Team France! You have inspired 68 million French people who, from morning to night, for two weeks, have been singing the Marseillaise to support you. We are so proud of you. Bravo! ++++++ Tony ESTANGUET (FRA) - Paris 2024 Organising Committee President: From day one of the Paris 2024 journey, 23 June 2015, we have been preparing ourselves for everything. Like an athlete getting ready for the biggest competition of their life, we planned for every scenario… But we weren’t ready for that. There is no way we could have prepared for everything we have just experienced together. The evening of the opening ceremony, When the athletes paraded on the Seine, When Céline Dion sang The Hymn to Love from the balcony of the Eiffel Tower, When the Olympic Cauldron rose up into the Parisian skies, A momentum began. And from the next morning, with the first medals, a wave started building. This wave took over the country, carried the whole world in its wake and went beyond anything we could imagine. We wanted strong images, our competition venues will go down in the history of the Games. We wanted excitement, we got passion. We wanted to be inspired, we got Léon Marchand. Together, we have experienced Games like nothing the world has seen before. We even had a whale take part in the surfing finals in Tahiti! From one day to the next, time stood still and a whole country got goosebumps. From one day to the next, Paris became a party again and France came back together. From one day to the next, the whole of France became Olympic. All of this was only possible because all of you showed up. First, you, the millions of spectators... Your passion made every first round a final; Every venue a raucous arena; Every medal a national holiday. Next, you, the Paris 2024 teams, who have worked so hard for all these years. Your efforts have been magnificently rewarded today;   And of course, you, the 45,000 volunteers, who have shown us the way and infused a party spirit into our Games. With your smiles and your positive attitude, you have been the heart and soul of Paris 2024. Mister President of the Republic, Mister President of the International Olympic Committee, Madam Mayor of Paris, Mister President of the French National Olympic Committee, Madam President of the Ile de France Region, Mister Presidents of the Greater Paris Metropolitan Area and the Seine-Saint-Denis Department, Ladies and gentlemen representatives of the French and International sports movement, Ladies and gentlemen partners of Paris 2024, Thank you for always being by our side. Thank you for everything you have done to make these Games a success!   Thank you to all those who have helped us get around: the drivers and all the transport agents who have worked on these Games, Thank you to all those who have kept us safe: the private security guards, the army, the gendarmes, the police, the firefighters and the first aiders. Congratulations to you all! And thank you to all the others! Hundreds of thousands of you have worked to make Paris 2024 a success. You have made these Games your Games.You have all shown up. France has shown up. We saw ourselves of a people of diehard moaners... we found ourselves in a country of wild supporters, who never want to stop singing! Tonight, I have never felt so proud to be French. Together, we have shown the world the most beautiful face of France. To you, dear athletes, what can I say? We knew you would be brilliant, but you were magic. In French, we have this phrase: “coup de foudre.” It means a kind of love that hits hard. One day life is normal, the next it feels magical. It’s what we have felt since July 24. Heart racing, head spinning, screaming, crying, crazy love! For Queen Simone, King Mondo, Joker Nole… For the ones we didn’t know before and now call by their first names. You made us feel alive. You filled us with joy. The world needed these feelings so much. On behalf of billions of sports lovers across the five continents: thank you! You have beaten so many World and Olympic records. And with your help, Paris 2024 has smashed many other records:  Record audiences… Record attendances… Record decibel levels in our venues and streets all over France and the planet. And yes, here in Paris, we have broken a new record that is very close to our hearts: the most marriage proposals ever at an Olympic Games! These feelings of hope, and love, and inspiration, will remain. And when the time comes, we will be reunited, in LA 28, where the Games will keep growing. There is one more record that I haven’t mentioned. And it belongs to you, dear athletes of the French delegation. This record is of course the number of medals won by Team France! You have inspired 68 million French people who, from morning to night, for two weeks, have been singing the Marseillaise to support you. We are so proud of you. Bravo! ++++++ Tony ESTANGUET (FRA) - Paris 2024 Organising Committee President: From day one of the Paris 2024 journey, 23 June 2015, we have been preparing ourselves for everything. Like an athlete getting ready for the biggest competition of their life, we planned for every scenario… But we weren’t ready for that. There is no way we could have prepared for everything we have just experienced together. The evening of the opening ceremony, When the athletes paraded on the Seine, When Céline Dion sang The Hymn to Love from the balcony of the Eiffel Tower, When the Olympic Cauldron rose up into the Parisian skies, A momentum began. And from the next morning, with the first medals, a wave started building. This wave took over the country, carried the whole world in its wake and went beyond anything we could imagine. We wanted strong images, our competition venues will go down in the history of the Games. We wanted excitement, we got passion. We wanted to be inspired, we got Léon Marchand. Together, we have experienced Games like nothing the world has seen before. We even had a whale take part in the surfing finals in Tahiti! From one day to the next, time stood still and a whole country got goosebumps. From one day to the next, Paris became a party again and France came back together. From one day to the next, the whole of France became Olympic. All of this was only possible because all of you showed up. First, you, the millions of spectators... Your passion made every first round a final; Every venue a raucous arena; Every medal a national holiday. Next, you, the Paris 2024 teams, who have worked so hard for all these years. Your efforts have been magnificently rewarded today;   And of course, you, the 45,000 volunteers, who have shown us the way and infused a party spirit into our Games. With your smiles and your positive attitude, you have been the heart and soul of Paris 2024. Mister President of the Republic, Mister President of the International Olympic Committee, Madam Mayor of Paris, Mister President of the French National Olympic Committee, Madam President of the Ile de France Region, Mister Presidents of the Greater Paris Metropolitan Area and the Seine-Saint-Denis Department, Ladies and gentlemen representatives of the French and International sports movement, Ladies and gentlemen partners of Paris 2024, Thank you for always being by our side. Thank you for everything you have done to make these Games a success!   Thank you to all those who have helped us get around: the drivers and all the transport agents who have worked on these Games, Thank you to all those who have kept us safe: the private security guards, the army, the gendarmes, the police, the firefighters and the first aiders. Congratulations to you all! And thank you to all the others! Hundreds of thousands of you have worked to make Paris 2024 a success. You have made these Games your Games.You have all shown up. France has shown up. We saw ourselves of a people of diehard moaners... we found ourselves in a country of wild supporters, who never want to stop singing! Tonight, I have never felt so proud to be French. Together, we have shown the world the most beautiful face of France. To you, dear athletes, what can I say? We knew you would be brilliant, but you were magic. In French, we have this phrase: “coup de foudre.” It means a kind of love that hits hard. One day life is normal, the next it feels magical. It’s what we have felt since July 24. Heart racing, head spinning, screaming, crying, crazy love! For Queen Simone, King Mondo, Joker Nole… For the ones we didn’t know before and now call by their first names. You made us feel alive. You filled us with joy. The world needed these feelings so much. On behalf of billions of sports lovers across the five continents: thank you! You have beaten so many World and Olympic records. And with your help, Paris 2024 has smashed many other records:  Record audiences… Record attendances… Record decibel levels in our venues and streets all over France and the planet. And yes, here in Paris, we have broken a new record that is very close to our hearts: the most marriage proposals ever at an Olympic Games! These feelings of hope, and love, and inspiration, will remain. And when the time comes, we will be reunited, in LA 28, where the Games will keep growing. There is one more record that I haven’t mentioned. And it belongs to you, dear athletes of the French delegation. This record is of course the number of medals won by Team France! You have inspired 68 million French people who, from morning to night, for two weeks, have been singing the Marseillaise to support you. We are so proud of you. Bravo! ++++++ Tony ESTANGUET (FRA) - Paris 2024 Organising Committee President: From day one of the Paris 2024 journey, 23 June 2015, we have been preparing ourselves for everything. Like an athlete getting ready for the biggest competition of their life, we planned for every scenario… But we weren’t ready for that. There is no way we could have prepared for everything we have just experienced together. The evening of the opening ceremony, When the athletes paraded on the Seine, When Céline Dion sang The Hymn to Love from the balcony of the Eiffel Tower, When the Olympic Cauldron rose up into the Parisian skies, A momentum began. And from the next morning, with the first medals, a wave started building. This wave took over the country, carried the whole world in its wake and went beyond anything we could imagine. We wanted strong images, our competition venues will go down in the history of the Games. We wanted excitement, we got passion. We wanted to be inspired, we got Léon Marchand. Together, we have experienced Games like nothing the world has seen before. We even had a whale take part in the surfing finals in Tahiti! From one day to the next, time stood still and a whole country got goosebumps. From one day to the next, Paris became a party again and France came back together. From one day to the next, the whole of France became Olympic. All of this was only possible because all of you showed up. First, you, the millions of spectators... Your passion made every first round a final; Every venue a raucous arena; Every medal a national holiday. Next, you, the Paris 2024 teams, who have worked so hard for all these years. Your efforts have been magnificently rewarded today;   And of course, you, the 45,000 volunteers, who have shown us the way and infused a party spirit into our Games. With your smiles and your positive attitude, you have been the heart and soul of Paris 2024. Mister President of the Republic, Mister President of the International Olympic Committee, Madam Mayor of Paris, Mister President of the French National Olympic Committee, Madam President of the Ile de France Region, Mister Presidents of the Greater Paris Metropolitan Area and the Seine-Saint-Denis Department, Ladies and gentlemen representatives of the French and International sports movement, Ladies and gentlemen partners of Paris 2024, Thank you for always being by our side. Thank you for everything you have done to make these Games a success!   Thank you to all those who have helped us get around: the drivers and all the transport agents who have worked on these Games, Thank you to all those who have kept us safe: the private security guards, the army, the gendarmes, the police, the firefighters and the first aiders. Congratulations to you all! And thank you to all the others! Hundreds of thousands of you have worked to make Paris 2024 a success. You have made these Games your Games.You have all shown up. France has shown up. We saw ourselves of a people of diehard moaners... we found ourselves in a country of wild supporters, who never want to stop singing! Tonight, I have never felt so proud to be French. Together, we have shown the world the most beautiful face of France. To you, dear athletes, what can I say? We knew you would be brilliant, but you were magic. In French, we have this phrase: “coup de foudre.” It means a kind of love that hits hard. One day life is normal, the next it feels magical. It’s what we have felt since July 24. Heart racing, head spinning, screaming, crying, crazy love! For Queen Simone, King Mondo, Joker Nole… For the ones we didn’t know before and now call by their first names. You made us feel alive. You filled us with joy. The world needed these feelings so much. On behalf of billions of sports lovers across the five continents: thank you! You have beaten so many World and Olympic records. And with your help, Paris 2024 has smashed many other records:  Record audiences… Record attendances… Record decibel levels in our venues and streets all over France and the planet. And yes, here in Paris, we have broken a new record that is very close to our hearts: the most marriage proposals ever at an Olympic Games! These feelings of hope, and love, and inspiration, will remain. And when the time comes, we will be reunited, in LA 28, where the Games will keep growing. There is one more record that I haven’t mentioned. And it belongs to you, dear athletes of the French delegation. This record is of course the number of medals won by Team France! You have inspired 68 million French people who, from morning to night, for two weeks, have been singing the Marseillaise to support you. We are so proud of you. Bravo! ++++++ Tony ESTANGUET (FRA) - Paris 2024 Organising Committee President: From day one of the Paris 2024 journey, 23 June 2015, we have been preparing ourselves for everything. Like an athlete getting ready for the biggest competition of their life, we planned for every scenario… But we weren’t ready for that. There is no way we could have prepared for everything we have just experienced together. The evening of the opening ceremony, When the athletes paraded on the Seine, When Céline Dion sang The Hymn to Love from the balcony of the Eiffel Tower, When the Olympic Cauldron rose up into the Parisian skies, A momentum began. And from the next morning, with the first medals, a wave started building. This wave took over the country, carried the whole world in its wake and went beyond anything we could imagine. We wanted strong images, our competition venues will go down in the history of the Games. We wanted excitement, we got passion. We wanted to be inspired, we got Léon Marchand. Together, we have experienced Games like nothing the world has seen before. We even had a whale take part in the surfing finals in Tahiti! From one day to the next, time stood still and a whole country got goosebumps. From one day to the next, Paris became a party again and France came back together. From one day to the next, the whole of France became Olympic. All of this was only possible because all of you showed up. First, you, the millions of spectators... Your passion made every first round a final; Every venue a raucous arena; Every medal a national holiday. Next, you, the Paris 2024 teams, who have worked so hard for all these years. Your efforts have been magnificently rewarded today;   And of course, you, the 45,000 volunteers, who have shown us the way and infused a party spirit into our Games. With your smiles and your positive attitude, you have been the heart and soul of Paris 2024. Mister President of the Republic, Mister President of the International Olympic Committee, Madam Mayor of Paris, Mister President of the French National Olympic Committee, Madam President of the Ile de France Region, Mister Presidents of the Greater Paris Metropolitan Area and the Seine-Saint-Denis Department, Ladies and gentlemen representatives of the French and International sports movement, Ladies and gentlemen partners of Paris 2024, Thank you for always being by our side. Thank you for everything you have done to make these Games a success!   Thank you to all those who have helped us get around: the drivers and all the transport agents who have worked on these Games, Thank you to all those who have kept us safe: the private security guards, the army, the gendarmes, the police, the firefighters and the first aiders. Congratulations to you all! And thank you to all the others! Hundreds of thousands of you have worked to make Paris 2024 a success. You have made these Games your Games.You have all shown up. France has shown up. We saw ourselves of a people of diehard moaners... we found ourselves in a country of wild supporters, who never want to stop singing! Tonight, I have never felt so proud to be French. Together, we have shown the world the most beautiful face of France. To you, dear athletes, what can I say? We knew you would be brilliant, but you were magic. In French, we have this phrase: “coup de foudre.” It means a kind of love that hits hard. One day life is normal, the next it feels magical. It’s what we have felt since July 24. Heart racing, head spinning, screaming, crying, crazy love! For Queen Simone, King Mondo, Joker Nole… For the ones we didn’t know before and now call by their first names. You made us feel alive. You filled us with joy. The world needed these feelings so much. On behalf of billions of sports lovers across the five continents: thank you! You have beaten so many World and Olympic records. And with your help, Paris 2024 has smashed many other records:  Record audiences… Record attendances… Record decibel levels in our venues and streets all over France and the planet. And yes, here in Paris, we have broken a new record that is very close to our hearts: the most marriage proposals ever at an Olympic Games! These feelings of hope, and love, and inspiration, will remain. And when the time comes, we will be reunited, in LA 28, where the Games will keep growing. There is one more record that I haven’t mentioned. And it belongs to you, dear athletes of the French delegation. This record is of course the number of medals won by Team France! You have inspired 68 million French people who, from morning to night, for two weeks, have been singing the Marseillaise to support you. We are so proud of you. Bravo! ++++++ Tony ESTANGUET (FRA) - Paris 2024 Organising Committee President: From day one of the Paris 2024 journey, 23 June 2015, we have been preparing ourselves for everything. Like an athlete getting ready for the biggest competition of their life, we planned for every scenario… But we weren’t ready for that. There is no way we could have prepared for everything we have just experienced together. The evening of the opening ceremony, When the athletes paraded on the Seine, When Céline Dion sang The Hymn to Love from the balcony of the Eiffel Tower, When the Olympic Cauldron rose up into the Parisian skies, A momentum began. And from the next morning, with the first medals, a wave started building. This wave took over the country, carried the whole world in its wake and went beyond anything we could imagine. We wanted strong images, our competition venues will go down in the history of the Games. We wanted excitement, we got passion. We wanted to be inspired, we got Léon Marchand. Together, we have experienced Games like nothing the world has seen before. We even had a whale take part in the surfing finals in Tahiti! From one day to the next, time stood still and a whole country got goosebumps. From one day to the next, Paris became a party again and France came back together. From one day to the next, the whole of France became Olympic. All of this was only possible because all of you showed up. First, you, the millions of spectators... Your passion made every first round a final; Every venue a raucous arena; Every medal a national holiday. Next, you, the Paris 2024 teams, who have worked so hard for all these years. Your efforts have been magnificently rewarded today;   And of course, you, the 45,000 volunteers, who have shown us the way and infused a party spirit into our Games. With your smiles and your positive attitude, you have been the heart and soul of Paris 2024. Mister President of the Republic, Mister President of the International Olympic Committee, Madam Mayor of Paris, Mister President of the French National Olympic Committee, Madam President of the Ile de France Region, Mister Presidents of the Greater Paris Metropolitan Area and the Seine-Saint-Denis Department, Ladies and gentlemen representatives of the French and International sports movement, Ladies and gentlemen partners of Paris 2024, Thank you for always being by our side. Thank you for everything you have done to make these Games a success!   Thank you to all those who have helped us get around: the drivers and all the transport agents who have worked on these Games, Thank you to all those who have kept us safe: the private security guards, the army, the gendarmes, the police, the firefighters and the first aiders. Congratulations to you all! And thank you to all the others! Hundreds of thousands of you have worked to make Paris 2024 a success. You have made these Games your Games.You have all shown up. France has shown up. We saw ourselves of a people of diehard moaners... we found ourselves in a country of wild supporters, who never want to stop singing! Tonight, I have never felt so proud to be French. Together, we have shown the world the most beautiful face of France. To you, dear athletes, what can I say? We knew you would be brilliant, but you were magic. In French, we have this phrase: “coup de foudre.” It means a kind of love that hits hard. One day life is normal, the next it feels magical. It’s what we have felt since July 24. Heart racing, head spinning, screaming, crying, crazy love! For Queen Simone, King Mondo, Joker Nole… For the ones we didn’t know before and now call by their first names. You made us feel alive. You filled us with joy. The world needed these feelings so much. On behalf of billions of sports lovers across the five continents: thank you! You have beaten so many World and Olympic records. And with your help, Paris 2024 has smashed many other records:  Record audiences… Record attendances… Record decibel levels in our venues and streets all over France and the planet. And yes, here in Paris, we have broken a new record that is very close to our hearts: the most marriage proposals ever at an Olympic Games! These feelings of hope, and love, and inspiration, will remain. And when the time comes, we will be reunited, in LA 28, where the Games will keep growing. There is one more record that I haven’t mentioned. And it belongs to you, dear athletes of the French delegation. This record is of course the number of medals won by Team France! You have inspired 68 million French people who, from morning to night, for two weeks, have been singing the Marseillaise to support you. We are so proud of you. Bravo! ++++++ Tony ESTANGUET (FRA) - Paris 2024 Organising Committee President: From day one of the Paris 2024 journey, 23 June 2015, we have been preparing ourselves for everything. Like an athlete getting ready for the biggest competition of their life, we planned for every scenario… But we weren’t ready for that. There is no way we could have prepared for everything we have just experienced together. The evening of the opening ceremony, When the athletes paraded on the Seine, When Céline Dion sang The Hymn to Love from the balcony of the Eiffel Tower, When the Olympic Cauldron rose up into the Parisian skies, A momentum began. And from the next morning, with the first medals, a wave started building. This wave took over the country, carried the whole world in its wake and went beyond anything we could imagine. We wanted strong images, our competition venues will go down in the history of the Games. We wanted excitement, we got passion. We wanted to be inspired, we got Léon Marchand. Together, we have experienced Games like nothing the world has seen before. We even had a whale take part in the surfing finals in Tahiti! From one day to the next, time stood still and a whole country got goosebumps. From one day to the next, Paris became a party again and France came back together. From one day to the next, the whole of France became Olympic. All of this was only possible because all of you showed up. First, you, the millions of spectators... Your passion made every first round a final; Every venue a raucous arena; Every medal a national holiday. Next, you, the Paris 2024 teams, who have worked so hard for all these years. Your efforts have been magnificently rewarded today;   And of course, you, the 45,000 volunteers, who have shown us the way and infused a party spirit into our Games. With your smiles and your positive attitude, you have been the heart and soul of Paris 2024. Mister President of the Republic, Mister President of the International Olympic Committee, Madam Mayor of Paris, Mister President of the French National Olympic Committee, Madam President of the Ile de France Region, Mister Presidents of the Greater Paris Metropolitan Area and the Seine-Saint-Denis Department, Ladies and gentlemen representatives of the French and International sports movement, Ladies and gentlemen partners of Paris 2024, Thank you for always being by our side. Thank you for everything you have done to make these Games a success!   Thank you to all those who have helped us get around: the drivers and all the transport agents who have worked on these Games, Thank you to all those who have kept us safe: the private security guards, the army, the gendarmes, the police, the firefighters and the first aiders. Congratulations to you all! And thank you to all the others! Hundreds of thousands of you have worked to make Paris 2024 a success. You have made these Games your Games.You have all shown up. France has shown up. We saw ourselves of a people of diehard moaners... we found ourselves in a country of wild supporters, who never want to stop singing! Tonight, I have never felt so proud to be French. Together, we have shown the world the most beautiful face of France. To you, dear athletes, what can I say? We knew you would be brilliant, but you were magic. In French, we have this phrase: “coup de foudre.” It means a kind of love that hits hard. One day life is normal, the next it feels magical. It’s what we have felt since July 24. Heart racing, head spinning, screaming, crying, crazy love! For Queen Simone, King Mondo, Joker Nole… For the ones we didn’t know before and now call by their first names. You made us feel alive. You filled us with joy. The world needed these feelings so much. On behalf of billions of sports lovers across the five continents: thank you! You have beaten so many World and Olympic records. And with your help, Paris 2024 has smashed many other records:  Record audiences… Record attendances… Record decibel levels in our venues and streets all over France and the planet. And yes, here in Paris, we have broken a new record that is very close to our hearts: the most marriage proposals ever at an Olympic Games! These feelings of hope, and love, and inspiration, will remain. And when the time comes, we will be reunited, in LA 28, where the Games will keep growing. There is one more record that I haven’t mentioned. And it belongs to you, dear athletes of the French delegation. This record is of course the number of medals won by Team France! You have inspired 68 million French people who, from morning to night, for two weeks, have been singing the Marseillaise to support you. We are so proud of you. Bravo! ++++++ Tony ESTANGUET (FRA) - Paris 2024 Organising Committee President: From day one of the Paris 2024 journey, 23 June 2015, we have been preparing ourselves for everything. Like an athlete getting ready for the biggest competition of their life, we planned for every scenario… But we weren’t ready for that. There is no way we could have prepared for everything we have just experienced together. The evening of the opening ceremony, When the athletes paraded on the Seine, When Céline Dion sang The Hymn to Love from the balcony of the Eiffel Tower, When the Olympic Cauldron rose up into the Parisian skies, A momentum began. And from the next morning, with the first medals, a wave started building. This wave took over the country, carried the whole world in its wake and went beyond anything we could imagine. We wanted strong images, our competition venues will go down in the history of the Games. We wanted excitement, we got passion. We wanted to be inspired, we got Léon Marchand. Together, we have experienced Games like nothing the world has seen before. We even had a whale take part in the surfing finals in Tahiti! From one day to the next, time stood still and a whole country got goosebumps. From one day to the next, Paris became a party again and France came back together. From one day to the next, the whole of France became Olympic. All of this was only possible because all of you showed up. First, you, the millions of spectators... Your passion made every first round a final; Every venue a raucous arena; Every medal a national holiday. Next, you, the Paris 2024 teams, who have worked so hard for all these years. Your efforts have been magnificently rewarded today;   And of course, you, the 45,000 volunteers, who have shown us the way and infused a party spirit into our Games. With your smiles and your positive attitude, you have been the heart and soul of Paris 2024. Mister President of the Republic, Mister President of the International Olympic Committee, Madam Mayor of Paris, Mister President of the French National Olympic Committee, Madam President of the Ile de France Region, Mister Presidents of the Greater Paris Metropolitan Area and the Seine-Saint-Denis Department, Ladies and gentlemen representatives of the French and International sports movement, Ladies and gentlemen partners of Paris 2024, Thank you for always being by our side. Thank you for everything you have done to make these Games a success!   Thank you to all those who have helped us get around: the drivers and all the transport agents who have worked on these Games, Thank you to all those who have kept us safe: the private security guards, the army, the gendarmes, the police, the firefighters and the first aiders. Congratulations to you all! And thank you to all the others! Hundreds of thousands of you have worked to make Paris 2024 a success. You have made these Games your Games.You have all shown up. France has shown up. We saw ourselves of a people of diehard moaners... we found ourselves in a country of wild supporters, who never want to stop singing! Tonight, I have never felt so proud to be French. Together, we have shown the world the most beautiful face of France. To you, dear athletes, what can I say? We knew you would be brilliant, but you were magic. In French, we have this phrase: “coup de foudre.” It means a kind of love that hits hard. One day life is normal, the next it feels magical. It’s what we have felt since July 24. Heart racing, head spinning, screaming, crying, crazy love! For Queen Simone, King Mondo, Joker Nole… For the ones we didn’t know before and now call by their first names. You made us feel alive. You filled us with joy. The world needed these feelings so much. On behalf of billions of sports lovers across the five continents: thank you! You have beaten so many World and Olympic records. And with your help, Paris 2024 has smashed many other records:  Record audiences… Record attendances… Record decibel levels in our venues and streets all over France and the planet. And yes, here in Paris, we have broken a new record that is very close to our hearts: the most marriage proposals ever at an Olympic Games! These feelings of hope, and love, and inspiration, will remain. And when the time comes, we will be reunited, in LA 28, where the Games will keep growing. There is one more record that I haven’t mentioned. And it belongs to you, dear athletes of the French delegation. This record is of course the number of medals won by Team France! You have inspired 68 million French people who, from morning to night, for two weeks, have been singing the Marseillaise to support you. We are so proud of you. Bravo! +++
+++ Dear friends The most difficult part of any love affair is saying goodbye. And this evening we are all in love with the Games! What we have experienced is so strong! Nineteen days that have passed to quickly…  But nineteen days that will stay in our hearts for life. So, of course, we don’t want it to end! And fortunately, the Games are not over. They will continue in two weeks, in the same iconic venues. 4,500 athletes are in the starting blocks. They are ready to crush records. Ready to explode our prejudices. Ready to give us the biggest wake-up call of our lives! In sport, as in love, it’s not often we get a second chance… So to all those who have not had the chance to experience an Olympic Games on their doorstep… And all those others who, like us, don’t want these Games to end…
Let me reassure you: this evening is not the end of the Games. It’s the end of the opening leg. Ladies and gentlemen, All of you who love the Games in France and around the world, I invite you, on August 28, to the best return leg of your life. Be there in the stands, in the fan zones, in front of your screens, Be there for the Paralympic Games of Paris 2024! It is an honour to leave the floor to Thomas BACH, President of the International Olympic Committee. ++++++ Dear friends The most difficult part of any love affair is saying goodbye. And this evening we are all in love with the Games! What we have experienced is so strong! Nineteen days that have passed to quickly…  But nineteen days that will stay in our hearts for life. So, of course, we don’t want it to end! And fortunately, the Games are not over. They will continue in two weeks, in the same iconic venues. 4,500 athletes are in the starting blocks. They are ready to crush records. Ready to explode our prejudices. Ready to give us the biggest wake-up call of our lives! In sport, as in love, it’s not often we get a second chance… So to all those who have not had the chance to experience an Olympic Games on their doorstep… And all those others who, like us, don’t want these Games to end…
Let me reassure you: this evening is not the end of the Games. It’s the end of the opening leg. Ladies and gentlemen, All of you who love the Games in France and around the world, I invite you, on August 28, to the best return leg of your life. Be there in the stands, in the fan zones, in front of your screens, Be there for the Paralympic Games of Paris 2024! It is an honour to leave the floor to Thomas BACH, President of the International Olympic Committee. ++++++ Dear friends The most difficult part of any love affair is saying goodbye. And this evening we are all in love with the Games! What we have experienced is so strong! Nineteen days that have passed to quickly…  But nineteen days that will stay in our hearts for life. So, of course, we don’t want it to end! And fortunately, the Games are not over. They will continue in two weeks, in the same iconic venues. 4,500 athletes are in the starting blocks. They are ready to crush records. Ready to explode our prejudices. Ready to give us the biggest wake-up call of our lives! In sport, as in love, it’s not often we get a second chance… So to all those who have not had the chance to experience an Olympic Games on their doorstep… And all those others who, like us, don’t want these Games to end…
Let me reassure you: this evening is not the end of the Games. It’s the end of the opening leg. Ladies and gentlemen, All of you who love the Games in France and around the world, I invite you, on August 28, to the best return leg of your life. Be there in the stands, in the fan zones, in front of your screens, Be there for the Paralympic Games of Paris 2024! It is an honour to leave the floor to Thomas BACH, President of the International Olympic Committee. ++++++ Dear friends The most difficult part of any love affair is saying goodbye. And this evening we are all in love with the Games! What we have experienced is so strong! Nineteen days that have passed to quickly…  But nineteen days that will stay in our hearts for life. So, of course, we don’t want it to end! And fortunately, the Games are not over. They will continue in two weeks, in the same iconic venues. 4,500 athletes are in the starting blocks. They are ready to crush records. Ready to explode our prejudices. Ready to give us the biggest wake-up call of our lives! In sport, as in love, it’s not often we get a second chance… So to all those who have not had the chance to experience an Olympic Games on their doorstep… And all those others who, like us, don’t want these Games to end…
Let me reassure you: this evening is not the end of the Games. It’s the end of the opening leg. Ladies and gentlemen, All of you who love the Games in France and around the world, I invite you, on August 28, to the best return leg of your life. Be there in the stands, in the fan zones, in front of your screens, Be there for the Paralympic Games of Paris 2024! It is an honour to leave the floor to Thomas BACH, President of the International Olympic Committee. ++++++ Dear friends The most difficult part of any love affair is saying goodbye. And this evening we are all in love with the Games! What we have experienced is so strong! Nineteen days that have passed to quickly…  But nineteen days that will stay in our hearts for life. So, of course, we don’t want it to end! And fortunately, the Games are not over. They will continue in two weeks, in the same iconic venues. 4,500 athletes are in the starting blocks. They are ready to crush records. Ready to explode our prejudices. Ready to give us the biggest wake-up call of our lives! In sport, as in love, it’s not often we get a second chance… So to all those who have not had the chance to experience an Olympic Games on their doorstep… And all those others who, like us, don’t want these Games to end…
Let me reassure you: this evening is not the end of the Games. It’s the end of the opening leg. Ladies and gentlemen, All of you who love the Games in France and around the world, I invite you, on August 28, to the best return leg of your life. Be there in the stands, in the fan zones, in front of your screens, Be there for the Paralympic Games of Paris 2024! It is an honour to leave the floor to Thomas BACH, President of the International Olympic Committee. ++++++ Dear friends The most difficult part of any love affair is saying goodbye. And this evening we are all in love with the Games! What we have experienced is so strong! Nineteen days that have passed to quickly…  But nineteen days that will stay in our hearts for life. So, of course, we don’t want it to end! And fortunately, the Games are not over. They will continue in two weeks, in the same iconic venues. 4,500 athletes are in the starting blocks. They are ready to crush records. Ready to explode our prejudices. Ready to give us the biggest wake-up call of our lives! In sport, as in love, it’s not often we get a second chance… So to all those who have not had the chance to experience an Olympic Games on their doorstep… And all those others who, like us, don’t want these Games to end…
Let me reassure you: this evening is not the end of the Games. It’s the end of the opening leg. Ladies and gentlemen, All of you who love the Games in France and around the world, I invite you, on August 28, to the best return leg of your life. Be there in the stands, in the fan zones, in front of your screens, Be there for the Paralympic Games of Paris 2024! It is an honour to leave the floor to Thomas BACH, President of the International Olympic Committee. ++++++ Dear friends The most difficult part of any love affair is saying goodbye. And this evening we are all in love with the Games! What we have experienced is so strong! Nineteen days that have passed to quickly…  But nineteen days that will stay in our hearts for life. So, of course, we don’t want it to end! And fortunately, the Games are not over. They will continue in two weeks, in the same iconic venues. 4,500 athletes are in the starting blocks. They are ready to crush records. Ready to explode our prejudices. Ready to give us the biggest wake-up call of our lives! In sport, as in love, it’s not often we get a second chance… So to all those who have not had the chance to experience an Olympic Games on their doorstep… And all those others who, like us, don’t want these Games to end…
Let me reassure you: this evening is not the end of the Games. It’s the end of the opening leg. Ladies and gentlemen, All of you who love the Games in France and around the world, I invite you, on August 28, to the best return leg of your life. Be there in the stands, in the fan zones, in front of your screens, Be there for the Paralympic Games of Paris 2024! It is an honour to leave the floor to Thomas BACH, President of the International Olympic Committee. ++++++ Dear friends The most difficult part of any love affair is saying goodbye. And this evening we are all in love with the Games! What we have experienced is so strong! Nineteen days that have passed to quickly…  But nineteen days that will stay in our hearts for life. So, of course, we don’t want it to end! And fortunately, the Games are not over. They will continue in two weeks, in the same iconic venues. 4,500 athletes are in the starting blocks. They are ready to crush records. Ready to explode our prejudices. Ready to give us the biggest wake-up call of our lives! In sport, as in love, it’s not often we get a second chance… So to all those who have not had the chance to experience an Olympic Games on their doorstep… And all those others who, like us, don’t want these Games to end…
Let me reassure you: this evening is not the end of the Games. It’s the end of the opening leg. Ladies and gentlemen, All of you who love the Games in France and around the world, I invite you, on August 28, to the best return leg of your life. Be there in the stands, in the fan zones, in front of your screens, Be there for the Paralympic Games of Paris 2024! It is an honour to leave the floor to Thomas BACH, President of the International Olympic Committee. +++
+++ Many thanks for the great emotions, the fantastic atmosphere and the unique moments that I was able to accompany. ++++++ Many thanks for the great emotions, the fantastic atmosphere and the unique moments that I was able to accompany. ++++++ Many thanks for the great emotions, the fantastic atmosphere and the unique moments that I was able to accompany. ++++++ Many thanks for the great emotions, the fantastic atmosphere and the unique moments that I was able to accompany. ++++++ Many thanks for the great emotions, the fantastic atmosphere and the unique moments that I was able to accompany. ++++++ Many thanks for the great emotions, the fantastic atmosphere and the unique moments that I was able to accompany. ++++++ Many thanks for the great emotions, the fantastic atmosphere and the unique moments that I was able to accompany. ++++++ Many thanks for the great emotions, the fantastic atmosphere and the unique moments that I was able to accompany. +++
+++ Paris: You were a great host. Special thanks go to Christophe, my host and friend, who supported me so wonderfully on site. And of course Arthur, who organised everything for me. ++++++ Paris: You were a great host. Special thanks go to Christophe, my host and friend, who supported me so wonderfully on site. And of course Arthur, who organised everything for me. ++++++ Paris: You were a great host. Special thanks go to Christophe, my host and friend, who supported me so wonderfully on site. And of course Arthur, who organised everything for me. ++++++ Paris: You were a great host. Special thanks go to Christophe, my host and friend, who supported me so wonderfully on site. And of course Arthur, who organised everything for me. ++++++ Paris: You were a great host. Special thanks go to Christophe, my host and friend, who supported me so wonderfully on site. And of course Arthur, who organised everything for me. ++++++ Paris: You were a great host. Special thanks go to Christophe, my host and friend, who supported me so wonderfully on site. And of course Arthur, who organised everything for me. ++++++ Paris: You were a great host. Special thanks go to Christophe, my host and friend, who supported me so wonderfully on site. And of course Arthur, who organised everything for me. ++++++ Paris: You were a great host. Special thanks go to Christophe, my host and friend, who supported me so wonderfully on site. And of course Arthur, who organised everything for me. +++


14.07.2028, 20:00h, Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum //
"The updated LA28 Games Plan reflects the bounty of existing world-class venues in LA, offering the best possible experience for athletes and fans, while supporting LA28’s commitment to fiscal responsibility and sustainability. When LA28 won the bid back in 2017, we shared a Games Plan that reflected the best venues for the sports anticipated in the LA28 Games. Since then, LA28 has introduced new sports, new disciplines are being considered, and new venues have been built."


Sun 11 Aug 23:12 PARIS - Please see below the English version of the speech of Paris 2024 Organising Committee President Tony ESTANGUET (FRA) at the Closing Ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. 

Tony ESTANGUET (FRA) - Paris 2024 Organising Committee President: From day one of the Paris 2024 journey, 23 June 2015, we have been preparing ourselves for everything.

Like an athlete getting ready for the biggest competition of their life, we planned for every scenario…

But we weren’t ready for that. There is no way we could have prepared for everything we have just experienced together. The evening of the opening ceremony, When the athletes paraded on the Seine, When Céline Dion sang The Hymn to Love from the balcony of the Eiffel Tower, When the Olympic Cauldron rose up into the Parisian skies, A momentum began.

And from the next morning, with the first medals, a wave started building. This wave took over the country, carried the whole world in its wake and went beyond anything we could imagine. We wanted strong images, our competition venues will go down in the history of the Games. We wanted excitement, we got passion. We wanted to be inspired, we got Léon Marchand.

Together, we have experienced Games like nothing the world has seen before. We even had a whale take part in the surfing finals in Tahiti! From one day to the next, time stood still and a whole country got goosebumps. From one day to the next, Paris became a party again and France came back together. From one day to the next, the whole of France became Olympic. All of this was only possible because all of you showed up.

First, you, the millions of spectators...
Your passion made every first round a final; Every venue a raucous arena; Every medal a national holiday.
Next, you, the Paris 2024 teams, who have worked so hard for all these years. Your efforts have been magnificently rewarded today;  

And of course, you, the 45,000 volunteers, who have shown us the way and infused a party spirit into our Games. With your smiles and your positive attitude, you have been the heart and soul of Paris 2024.

Mister President of the Republic, Mister President of the International Olympic Committee, Madam Mayor of Paris, Mister President of the French National Olympic Committee, Madam President of the Ile de France Region,

Mister Presidents of the Greater Paris Metropolitan Area and the Seine-Saint-Denis Department, Ladies and gentlemen representatives of the French and International sports movement, Ladies and gentlemen partners of Paris 2024,

Thank you for always being by our side. Thank you for everything you have done to make these Games a success!  
Thank you to all those who have helped us get around: the drivers and all the transport agents who have worked on these Games,
Thank you to all those who have kept us safe: the private security guards, the army, the gendarmes, the police, the firefighters and the first aiders. Congratulations to you all!
And thank you to all the others! Hundreds of thousands of you have worked to make Paris 2024 a success. You have made these Games your Games.You have all shown up. France has shown up.

We saw ourselves of a people of diehard moaners... we found ourselves in a country of wild supporters, who never want to stop singing! Tonight, I have never felt so proud to be French. Together, we have shown the world the most beautiful face of France.

To you, dear athletes, what can I say? We knew you would be brilliant, but you were magic. In French, we have this phrase: “coup de foudre.” It means a kind of love that hits hard. One day life is normal, the next it feels magical. It’s what we have felt since July 24. Heart racing, head spinning, screaming, crying, crazy love! For Queen Simone, King Mondo, Joker Nole…

For the ones we didn’t know before and now call by their first names. You made us feel alive. You filled us with joy. The world needed these feelings so much. On behalf of billions of sports lovers across the five continents: thank you!
You have beaten so many World and Olympic records.
And with your help, Paris 2024 has smashed many other records: 

Record audiences…
Record attendances…
Record decibel levels in our venues and streets all over France and the planet.

And yes, here in Paris, we have broken a new record that is very close to our hearts: the most marriage proposals ever at an Olympic Games! These feelings of hope, and love, and inspiration, will remain. And when the time comes, we will be reunited, in LA 28, where the Games will keep growing. There is one more record that I haven’t mentioned.

And it belongs to you, dear athletes of the French delegation. This record is of course the number of medals won by Team France! You have inspired 68 million French people who, from morning to night, for two weeks, have been singing the Marseillaise to support you. We are so proud of you.


Dear friends

The most difficult part of any love affair is saying goodbye. And this evening we are all in love with the Games! What we have experienced is so strong! Nineteen days that have passed to quickly… 

But nineteen days that will stay in our hearts for life. So, of course, we don’t want it to end! And fortunately, the Games are not over. They will continue in two weeks, in the same iconic venues. 4,500 athletes are in the starting blocks. They are ready to crush records. Ready to explode our prejudices. Ready to give us the biggest wake-up call of our lives! In sport, as in love, it’s not often we get a second chance…

So to all those who have not had the chance to experience an Olympic Games on their doorstep…
And all those others who, like us, don’t want these Games to end…
Let me reassure you: this evening is not the end of the Games. It’s the end of the opening leg.

Ladies and gentlemen, 
All of you who love the Games in France and around the world, I invite you, on August 28, to the best return leg of your life. 
Be there in the stands, in the fan zones, in front of your screens, Be there for the Paralympic Games of Paris 2024! 

It is an honour to leave the floor to Thomas BACH, President of the International Olympic Committee.


07.08.2024, 19:05h, La Concorde, Paris //
Aufgestanden um 07:36h //
Frühstück: Cappucino //
Schritte: 3681 //
Strecke: 2,5 km.


Sat 10 Aug 22:27 PARIS - Comments from B-Boy PHIL WIZARD (CAN) after beating B-Boy DANY DANN (FRA) in the gold-medal battle at La Concorde on Saturday.

B-Boy PHIL WIZARD (CAN) - gold: On winning gold: "I am over the moon right now. I don’t really believe it. It still feels very surreal. It went by very fast. It feels like a dream."

On his day: "In the early round-robin (battles), I felt like I was not quite hitting it. I was coming into it mentally scattered, but I feel I picked it up at the end.“

On how he would describe his Olympic Games: "Historic. A roller-coaster of emotions and a lot of pastries. I ate a lot of pastries."
+++ OIS jd/aa/bw +++


09.08.2024, 14:08h, Kathedrale Notre-Dame, Paris //
Aufgestanden um 07:00h //
Frühstück: Cappucino //
Schritte: 4019 //
Strecke: 3,1 km.


Fri 09 Aug 14:00 PARIS - Comments from bronze medallists Jule Marie HAKE and Paulina PASZEK (GER) after the Women's Kayak Double 500m final at Vaires-sur-Marne Nautical Stadium on Friday.

Jule Marie HAKE (GER) - bronze: On tying with Hungary for bronze: “I don’t know. This was incredible. We were fighting until the end. We tried to stay within ourselves, and we saw that some of the others were a little bit in front of us after 250 meters. We stuck to our race plan. Congratulations to the Hungarians and especially to the New Zealanders. They are incredibly fast and strong, but we are working on it to get them.“
+++ OIS cnr/ic +++


08.08.2024, 14:24h, Pont D'Arcole, Paris //
Aufgestanden um 07:30h //
Frühstück: schwarzer Kaffee, 1 Stück Melone & 1 Glas O-Saft //
Schritte: 17455 //
Strecke: 12,1 km.


Thu 08 Aug 23:40 PARIS - Comments from LeBron JAMES after USA beat Serbia 95-91 in a Men's Basketball semifinal at Bercy Arena on Thursday.

On how USA pulled out the win despite trailing for most of the game: "Perseverance, hard work, dedication. It was 'Chef CURRY' (Stephen CURRY), Joel 'Process' EMBIID. Big-time win for us. We knew we were going to be challenged, we knew it was going to be the toughest game up to date, but it was a true total effort."

On whether he was angry during the game: "Not angry. It's all about competitive flow, competitive juices, and just trying to get everything as close to perfection as possible."
+++ OIS nl/bw +++


07.08.2024, 15:25h, National Velodrome, Saint-Quentin en Yvelines //
Aufgestanden um 10:00h //
Frühstück: schwarzer Kaffee, Banane & 1 Glas O-Saft //
Schritte: 15571 //
Strecke: 11,4 km.


Thu 08 Aug 01:53 LILLE – Comments from Valentin PORTE (FRA) after Germany beat France 35-34 in overtime in a Men's Handball quarterfinal at Pierre Mauroy Stadium on Wednesday.

On retiring from the national team: "It was my last match in the French team tonight. I would have preferred to continue a little longer, but that's how it is, that's sport."

On Germany's last-second equaliser that forced overtime: "Something happened that only happens once every I don't know how many matches, but it's part of the game, it's part of the sport. It's obviously a shame. We could still win in overtime. It was complicated. It was heads or tails and it fell on the wrong side.“
+++ OIS db/pl/bw +++


06.08.2024, 12:17h, Château de Versailles //
Aufgestanden um 07:12h //
Frühstück: schwarzer Kaffee & Brioche //
Schritte: 15337 //
Strecke: 10,8 km.


Wed 07 Aug 00:44 PARIS - Comments from gold medallist Mijain LOPEZ NUNEZ (CUB), silver medallist Yasmani ACOSTA FERNANDEZ (CHI) and bronze medallist Amin MIRZAZADEH (IRI) at a press conference after the Men's Greco-Roman 130kg competition in Champ-de-Mars Arena on Tuesday.

Mijain LOPEZ NUNEZ (CUB) - gold: On when he decided to retire: "The moment I decided that I would retire is now. I've had a very long career of 32 years in sport, 20 years as an Olympic medal holder. I've had a really long career and I've had to overcome numerous obstacles.I think that it is time to say goodbye, to give opportunities to the youth that have been inspired by this sport.“

On winning his fifth gold medal: "It's a way to show all the sacrifice that I've undergone. It's a combination of hard work, sacrifice and practice. There isn't anything better than these results, after so much sacrifice, to be recognised by so many people at international level. My dream is also for the youth to continue onward, because this was the vision that I had, when working with the youth, for them to achieve their dreams as well.“
+++ OIS ks/ic +++


05.08.2024, 13:10h, Bercy Arena, Paris //
Aufgestanden um 07:50h //
Frühstück: schwarzer Kaffee //
Schritte: 13982 //
Strecke: 10,3 km.


Mon 05 Aug 23:29 PARIS – Comments from table tennis player Felix LEBRUN (FRA) after France beat Slovenia 3-0 in the Men's Team round of 16 at South Paris Arena on Monday.

On the quick turnaround from the bronze medal in men’s singles: “Just one day for one to mobilise is not easy. But I managed to win this match, and I'm very happy about how I managed the circumstances about my medal and after with the team.”

On how many people he has attracted to table tennis during these Games: “It's amazing. I'm proud of what I do in this tournament. The atmosphere is always very nice, and I think the people love table tennis. So, I hope a new player next year and in the future for France (will come). Table tennis is a complete sport. A sport I like so much. So I want it to grow in France.”
+++ OIS zt/mb/bl +++


04.08.2024, 17:37h, Montmartre, Paris //
Aufgestanden um 10:00h //
Frühstück: schwarzer Kaffee & 3 Crossaints //
Schritte: 28198 //
Strecke: 19,1 km.


Sun 04 Aug 23:46 PARIS - Comments from gold medallist Yaroslava MAHUCHIKH (UKR) after winning the Women’s High Jump final at Stade de France on Sunday.

On Ukraine winning three medals in one evening (Iryna GERASHCHENKO and Mykhaylo KOKHAN): “It is all about winning medals for our country, for Ukraine, for our defenders, because thanks to them, we have the opportunity to be here, to protect our titles and to protect our country on track and to show the best of us all."

On her emotions before the competition: “Before the Games there was a lot of pressure from outside, but I tried not to think about that. I felt I was ready, I felt comfortable on the track and I smiled before every attempt because I just enjoyed the atmosphere.

It is the Olympic Games and I wanted to win this gold medal. From my childhood, my coach told me to always jump all heights at the first attempt because it can play a different game. Today I jumped all on my first attempts and it brought me a gold medal.“
+++ OIS zt/mb/bl +++


03.08.2024, 07:19h, Eifel Champ-de-Mars Arena, Paris //
Aufgestanden um 06:00h //
Frühstück: schwarzer Kaffee  //
Schritte: 10926 //
Strecke: 8,3 km.


Sat 03 Aug 22:34 PARIS - Comments from silver medallist Leo NEUGEBAUER (GER) after the Men’s Decathlon at Stade de France on Saturday.

On his silver: “This moment is just insane. I never expected anything like this. Just being able to compete here in this atmosphere is amazing. I love the stadium, and the intensity of the fans, cheering for everyone in every single event. There’s never been anything like this.”

On who helped him get here: “Family, friends, coaches, just hard work. It’s all hard work.”
+++ OIS  jl/mc/rm +++

20240802_OlympicGames_Paris_Judo_b_mhaupt_05087 // 20240802_OlympicGames_Paris_Judo_b_mhaupt_04843 

02.08.2024, 18:01h, Eifel Champ-de-Mars Arena, Paris //
Aufgestanden um 07:00h //
Frühstück: schwarzer Kaffee //
Schritte: 10701 //
Strecke: 7,8 km.


Fri 02 Aug 20:32 PARIS - Comments from Teddy RINER (FRA) after beating KIM Minjong (KOR) to win gold in the Men's +100kg Judo competition at Champ-de-Mars Arena on Friday.

On winning gold: "It feels good, especially when it happens this way. With such a crowd, with my family that was there to cheer me on. We understand why, all those years, we travel abroad, we train hard, why there are moments of doubt. I know why I did it, and a lot of pride to have done it here."

On winning gold after lighting the Olympic Cauldron:"It adds to the pride. When I got told that I would be the last one (to light up the Olympic Cauldron), it was already an extreme joy. When we do such perfect Olympics as I did today, we're happy. We want to live the experience fully. We want to savour every moment, and that it will last.“
+++ OIS  jp/ks/cn/kd +++


01.08.2024, 19:59h, Eifel Champ-de-Mars Arena, Paris //
Aufgestanden um 06:55h //
Frühstück: schwarzer Kaffee, 1 Glas O-Saft & 1 Banane  //
Schritte: 12870 //
Strecke: 9,4 km.


Thu 01 Aug 20:40 PARIS - Comments from Alice BELLANDI (ITA) after winning gold in the Women's Judo -78kg at Champ-de-Mars Arena on Thursday.

On winning gold: "Honestly, I can't describe it, I'm still a little bit speechless. I don't really understand if this is real or if I'm still dreaming. I've dreamed of this every single night. Today was just a perfect day. There was a lot of work, a lot of sweat and a lot of tears, joy, everything.

I'm so happy that today I was guided. I just had a lot of faith. And yeah, now I have this (medal) on my neck.“
+++ OIS ks/km/kd +++


31.07.2024, 18:57h, Eifel Champ-de-Mars Arena, Paris //
Aufgestanden um 07:12h //
Frühstück: schwarzer Kaffee & 1 Banane  //
Schritte: 13776 //
Strecke: 10,3 km.


Wed 31 Jul 20:34 PARIS - Comments from gold medallist Barbara MATIC (CRO), silver medallist Miriam BUTKEREIT (GER) and bronze medallists Michaela POLLERES (AUT) and Gabriella WILLEMS (BEL) after the Women's Judo -70kg at Champ-de-Mars Arena on Wednesday.

Miriam BUTKEREIT (GER) - silver, On the French crowd: "I love to fight in Paris because the home crowd is so awesome. It's very loud and powerful and everybody cheers for everybody, not only for the French.“

On her gold-medal bout with MATIC: "We have so many fights against each other. I knew when the score was there, I knew it was tough to get a score or have an ippon. I thought after one minute I thought I could go for one, but she's good at defending her score.“

On competing at Los Angeles 2028: "We will see what will happen. I don't know yet. I don't want to decide now."
+++ OIS ks/ic +++


30.07.2024, 20:10h, La Concorde, Paris //
Aufgestanden 07:03h //
Frühstück: 1 Banane & schwarzer Kaffee //
Schritte: 17930 //
Strecke: 13,2 km. 


Tue 30 Jul 21:40 PARIS - Comments from USA coach Cecile LANDI after USA won gold in the Women's Team final at Bercy Arena on Tuesday.

On the team's performance: "Overall, it was enough, and they're all healthy and happy, and that's what matters.“

On whether the team's performance was redemption for their Tokyo 2020 team silver: "They called it their redemption tour, and that's what it is. They wanted the gold they couldn't get in Tokyo.“
+++ OIS jc/am +++


29.07.2024, 20:35h, Eifel Tower - Centre Court, Paris //
Aufgestanden 06:55h //
Frühstück: 1 Banane & schwarzer Kaffee //
Schritte: 12564 //
Strecke: 9,5 km. 


Mon 29 Jul 22:39 PARIS - Tokyo 2020 all-around champion HASHIMOTO Daiki (JPN) recovered from an uncharacteristic error to lead Japan to gold in the closing moments of the men’s team final at Bercy Arena on Monday.

"In the Tokyo (Olympics) we got the silver, with 0.103 (difference). I was not happy (about that). But we practised every day for three years. There was a lot of success, fails, but we (pushed through) and practised again and again. Then we got the gold medal. I'm happy.“
+++ OIS jc/ld/ic/wc+++


28.07.2024, 14:00h, Eifel Champ-de-Mars, Paris //
Aufgestanden 07:03h //
Frühstück: 1 Cappuccino, 1 Brötchen & 1 Glas O-Saft //
Schritte: 14434 //
Strecke: 10,6 km. 


Sun 28 Jul 22:21 PARIS – Comments from Leon MARCHAND (FRA) after winning gold in the Men’s 400m Individual Medley Final at Paris La Defense Arena on Sunday.

On his emotions: "The emotions are very difficult to describe. It's unbelievable for a swimmer, I think it's very rare you get to experience this. I had the chance to be here and to be in form and to perform at my level and simply to do it. I opened my eyes, I listened to everything going on around me, and that really pushed me to do a good race.“
+++ OIS jv/jh/cn/sw+++


27.07.2024, 21:08h, La Défense Arena, Paris //
Aufgestanden 06:43h //
Frühstück: schwarzer Kaffee & 2 Brioche //
Schritte: 15162 //
Strecke: 11,4 km. 


Sat 27 Jul 22:33 PARIS - Comments from gold medallist Lukas MAERTENS (GER) after the Men’s 400m Freestyle final at Paris La Defense Arena on Saturday. 

On winning gold:  "I was overwhelmed. I stopped, looked at the scoreboard and thought, 'nah, that can't be right.' That was anything but foreseeable, after this season and after all the exertion, even if all the performances beforehand were good. You have to come up with a plan. You can't think you have to, and have to, and have to. I don't have to do anything. That's how I approached it. That's the motto of my season." 
+++ OIS nr/nm/kd +++


26.07.2024, 14:48h, Rue de Seine, Paris // Aufgestanden 07:20h //
Frühstück: schwarzer Kaffee, 1 Glas O-Saft & 2 Brioche //
Schritte: 17688 //
Strecke: 12,1 km. 


Fri 26 Jul 22:52 PARIS - excerpt of the welcome speech of International Olympic Committee (IOC) President Thomas BACH (GER) at the Opening Ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.

"So I invite everybody: dream with us. Like the Olympic athletes, be inspired with the joy that only sport can give us. Let us celebrate this Olympic spirit of living life in peace, as the one and only humankind, united in all our diversity. This is why tonight, with my heart full of emotions, I invite the whole world: let us celebrate this joy of sport together with all the athletes. Have faith in the future. Together, let us celebrate the best of our shared humanity. Long live the Olympic Games! Long live France! Now I have the great honour of inviting the President of the French Republic, Mr. Emmanuel Macron, to declare open the Games of the 33rd Olympiad Paris 2024." 
+++ welcome speech of International Olympic Committee (IOC) President Thomas BACH (GER) +++


25.07.2024, 19:23h, Trocadero, Paris // Aufgestanden 07:12h //
Frühstück: schwarzer Kaffee, 1 Glas O-Saft, 2 Brioche & 1 Banane //
Schritte: 23143 //
Strecke: 16,9 km. 


Thu 25 Jul 22:17 MARSEILLE - Comments from Alexandra POPP (GER) after Germany defeated Australia 3-0 in a women's football group B match played at Marseille Stadium.

On her team scoring a goal after a succession of passes:"I could see this goal from behind and it was very impressive. It's fun to see my girls play fantastic football with joy. I hope they can continue like this and take it to the next matches."

On playing USA in their next match: "Now they have a new coach and they are very, very tough. I think we go into that match with a very good mentality and with strength in the one v one." 
+++ OIS sg/cjl/sw +++


24.07.2024, 16:12h, Trocadero, Paris // Aufgestanden 06:33h //
Frühstück: schwarzer Kaffee, 2 Pfirsiche, 1 halbes Glas O-Saft //
Schritte: 20953 //
Strecke: 14,8 km. 


Wed 24 Jul 20:01 PARIS - Comments from HASHIMOTO Daiki (JPN) after the men's artistic gymnastics podium training at Bercy Arena on Wednesday. 

On podium training: "My goal was to finish all the apparatuses, especially since I hadn't been able to train all six events together due to my finger injury. Today, despite some mistakes, I was able to go through all the routines. I was very analytical and calm throughout. It was a good practice. I focused a lot on the horizontal bar, wanting to perfect it. I believe that mastering this apparatus is crucial for both team and individual gold." 
+++ OIS/qk/jc/cs/sw +++

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